We are a nation that has survived on the rule of law for over 200 years and Lord willing, we'll continue to do so. The law allows for state questions, referendums to be put on the ballot for the voters of Oklahoma to decide and within Constitutional parameters, if approved, it becomes the law of the land.
Oklahomans voted to ban Sharia law and to tell our courts that decisions should be predicated on the laws of the United States and the laws of the great state of Oklahoma - not international law. We The People voted and that should have been that, right?
Activist judges and frivolous lawsuits by pro-Islam activists have once again tied up the will of the people and I for one am tired of it. But in many ways, we have ourselves to blame, don't we? Every election cycle, we have the opportunity to vote for men and women who put together a message that they believe will appeal to the lowest common denominator within their respective districts and they do so with no thought of actually pulling off what they promise. And what do we do? We take the bait, hook, line and sinker. It doesn't have to be that way in Senate District 47.
Career politicians and cronyism that always follows has been the rule of the land of late and when individuals such as myself stand up to be counted in support of the Oklahoma Constitution, the United States Constitution and put forth a strong belief that international or Sharia law need not apply in Oklahoma, it makes the establishment very, very nervous. You see, I stand in agreement with the will of the people and fully supported the ban.
In this day and age, in many cases, it's difficult to predict what kind of legislator you're going to get until after the elections are over - the messages are finely crafted by political consultants and in this race, one of my opponents IS a political consultant. With me, you know what you're getting and I will not mince words. Unlike my opponents, I have raised my right hand and sworn an oath do defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic and believe me when I tell you that the oath still means something to me.
I encourage you to get involved in this campaign. I need your help to ensure this truly conservative message of Constitutional loyalty gets out to the public. Send me an email at kenny@kennygoza.us and let me know that you stand with me in opposition of Sharia law in our country and our state. Let me know you're willing to take a chance on a candidate with real world experience.
Thank you.
"Pinch a penny, vote for Kenny."
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