"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6 (NASB)
The prophet was clear and concise in communicating that the people of Israel rejected knowledge, understanding and as a result, the Lord threatened to reject Israel from being His priests. Today, it isn't the people who reject knowledge, but rather bureaucrats who dominate our education system have created an environment where knowledge attained is becoming increasingly difficult.
Administrative costs for education in Oklahoma is ridiculous. The amount of taxpayer dollars spent on administration of education is virtually unlike any other state in this great country and that, my friends, The money spent at the top, is money that is left out of the classrooms, denying our children the education they deserve.
The below link is a breakdown of the number of students each Superintendent is responsible for. Note that 194 of the 527 school districts have less than 350 kids (highlighted in orange) and 47 school districts have less than 150 kids (highlighted in green).
This election for Senate District 47 is about more than just a Senate Seat. It is about sending a message to the status quo on both sides of the aisle and that message is very simple: Enough is enough. Our children in public schools deserve a State Senator willing to fight to ensure that taxpayer dollars reach them in their classrooms rather than filling the checking accounts of administrators.
When you elect me to the State Senate, I can promise you that administrators in our education system will get the message that the time has come to trim the fat, to reduce the number of administrators. You see, when Oklahomans come together, we can ensure a future of educational excellence.
Thank you for your time. I ask for your vote to reform education as we know it.
Kenny Goza
"Pinch a penny, vote for Kenny"

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
SQ755 And The Will Of The People
We are a nation that has survived on the rule of law for over 200 years and Lord willing, we'll continue to do so. The law allows for state questions, referendums to be put on the ballot for the voters of Oklahoma to decide and within Constitutional parameters, if approved, it becomes the law of the land.
Oklahomans voted to ban Sharia law and to tell our courts that decisions should be predicated on the laws of the United States and the laws of the great state of Oklahoma - not international law. We The People voted and that should have been that, right?
Activist judges and frivolous lawsuits by pro-Islam activists have once again tied up the will of the people and I for one am tired of it. But in many ways, we have ourselves to blame, don't we? Every election cycle, we have the opportunity to vote for men and women who put together a message that they believe will appeal to the lowest common denominator within their respective districts and they do so with no thought of actually pulling off what they promise. And what do we do? We take the bait, hook, line and sinker. It doesn't have to be that way in Senate District 47.
Career politicians and cronyism that always follows has been the rule of the land of late and when individuals such as myself stand up to be counted in support of the Oklahoma Constitution, the United States Constitution and put forth a strong belief that international or Sharia law need not apply in Oklahoma, it makes the establishment very, very nervous. You see, I stand in agreement with the will of the people and fully supported the ban.
In this day and age, in many cases, it's difficult to predict what kind of legislator you're going to get until after the elections are over - the messages are finely crafted by political consultants and in this race, one of my opponents IS a political consultant. With me, you know what you're getting and I will not mince words. Unlike my opponents, I have raised my right hand and sworn an oath do defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic and believe me when I tell you that the oath still means something to me.
I encourage you to get involved in this campaign. I need your help to ensure this truly conservative message of Constitutional loyalty gets out to the public. Send me an email at kenny@kennygoza.us and let me know that you stand with me in opposition of Sharia law in our country and our state. Let me know you're willing to take a chance on a candidate with real world experience.
Thank you.
"Pinch a penny, vote for Kenny."
Oklahomans voted to ban Sharia law and to tell our courts that decisions should be predicated on the laws of the United States and the laws of the great state of Oklahoma - not international law. We The People voted and that should have been that, right?
Activist judges and frivolous lawsuits by pro-Islam activists have once again tied up the will of the people and I for one am tired of it. But in many ways, we have ourselves to blame, don't we? Every election cycle, we have the opportunity to vote for men and women who put together a message that they believe will appeal to the lowest common denominator within their respective districts and they do so with no thought of actually pulling off what they promise. And what do we do? We take the bait, hook, line and sinker. It doesn't have to be that way in Senate District 47.
Career politicians and cronyism that always follows has been the rule of the land of late and when individuals such as myself stand up to be counted in support of the Oklahoma Constitution, the United States Constitution and put forth a strong belief that international or Sharia law need not apply in Oklahoma, it makes the establishment very, very nervous. You see, I stand in agreement with the will of the people and fully supported the ban.
In this day and age, in many cases, it's difficult to predict what kind of legislator you're going to get until after the elections are over - the messages are finely crafted by political consultants and in this race, one of my opponents IS a political consultant. With me, you know what you're getting and I will not mince words. Unlike my opponents, I have raised my right hand and sworn an oath do defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic and believe me when I tell you that the oath still means something to me.
I encourage you to get involved in this campaign. I need your help to ensure this truly conservative message of Constitutional loyalty gets out to the public. Send me an email at kenny@kennygoza.us and let me know that you stand with me in opposition of Sharia law in our country and our state. Let me know you're willing to take a chance on a candidate with real world experience.
Thank you.
"Pinch a penny, vote for Kenny."
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Executive Pay Raises? Not On My Watch
We all know the axiom, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander," but that just doesn't seem to be the case for our state government and the time for it to stop is now.
According to a story in the Associated Press, 130 executive Oklahoma agency employees are getting pay raises. This is at a time when agencies such as the Corporation Commission are taking furloughs and the Comissioners are giving some of their money back to the state so employees can be paid.
It's unbelievable.
Fiscal sanity is what is needed in the Oklahoma legislature and that is why I am running. I have solutions, I have the answers and being in the private sector owning and operating a successful business with five locations, I know that you don't give employee pay raises when you're facing a budget shortfall. Raises ranging from "3 percent to 40 percent" is an abomination and yes, I'm the only one of the candidates for State Senate speaking out against it.
Unfortunately, that is part of the reason that Oklahoma government is troubled. We have plenty of politicos and inexperienced career politicians and wanna-be politicians with no real world experience in solving problems and making tough decisions.
If you want to know why I am running in Senate District 47, you need only read this story, look at the candidates for the position and ask yourself who is the most qualified to make the changes needed to restore fiscal sanity to our state government. You'll see that I am truly the most qualified and educated for the job. It's just that simple.
Next month, you'll have to decide between chatter and experience, between rhetoric or proven leadership. Lord willing, you'll vote for Kenny Goza for State Senate.
Pinch a penny, vote for Kenny
According to a story in the Associated Press, 130 executive Oklahoma agency employees are getting pay raises. This is at a time when agencies such as the Corporation Commission are taking furloughs and the Comissioners are giving some of their money back to the state so employees can be paid.
It's unbelievable.
Fiscal sanity is what is needed in the Oklahoma legislature and that is why I am running. I have solutions, I have the answers and being in the private sector owning and operating a successful business with five locations, I know that you don't give employee pay raises when you're facing a budget shortfall. Raises ranging from "3 percent to 40 percent" is an abomination and yes, I'm the only one of the candidates for State Senate speaking out against it.
Unfortunately, that is part of the reason that Oklahoma government is troubled. We have plenty of politicos and inexperienced career politicians and wanna-be politicians with no real world experience in solving problems and making tough decisions.
If you want to know why I am running in Senate District 47, you need only read this story, look at the candidates for the position and ask yourself who is the most qualified to make the changes needed to restore fiscal sanity to our state government. You'll see that I am truly the most qualified and educated for the job. It's just that simple.
Next month, you'll have to decide between chatter and experience, between rhetoric or proven leadership. Lord willing, you'll vote for Kenny Goza for State Senate.
Pinch a penny, vote for Kenny
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Borders At The Door
I have spent almost every day at the doorstep of Senate District 47 constituents and I have previously told you some of their thoughts and how I plan to address them once elected. Another of the hot button issues is that of securing our borders and actually doing something about illegal immigration.
Politics is often about telling people what they want to hear, molding a promise or campaign slogan around that ideology, only later to determine that very little of substance gets done. And this is certainly the case where illegal immigration is concerned. Some of the candidates for the State Senate avoided the issue altogether but that's just not the type of person I am.
Illegal immigration and protecting our borders are issues that virtually everyone is concerned about in Senate District 47 and they are concerned that promises of the past that turned into broken promises of the present will be the norm in this election. I have said from the beginning that I support tough restrictions on immigration and find it deplorable that the state of Oklahoma has allowed the children of illegal aliens to receive the benefits of our children whose families are working hard - that is in-state tuition rates.
According to the Constitution, naturalization and immigration are supposed to be the responsibility of the federal government and time and time again we have seen our members of Congress fail to do that which they promised. The reasons why they have been lax are multitudinous, but since the federal government has failed, the states with the power of the 10th Amendment, can and should.
When you elect me, you will have someone in your corner, fighting for Arizona-style immigration laws and unlike others who have promised big and delivered little, I have a track record of success and experience in saying what I will do and doing what I say. You see, I built my business, my career on hard work and sweat equity, demanding nothing from taxpayers but rather have contributed through private sector enterprise. Illegal immigration is a drain on the taxpayers of Oklahoma and the last thing we need is another career politician who promises big but will deliver nothing but platitudes.
I'm in your corner - almost 80% of all Oklahomans believe that illegal immigration is a problem and frankly, the time has come for action, not platitudes.
I'm asking for your vote, for your confidence to tell the establishment once and for all "no mas." No more. I will fight for immigration reform in Oklahoma and you won't have to even cut me a paycheck to accomplish that task.
Pinch a penny, vote for Kenny
Politics is often about telling people what they want to hear, molding a promise or campaign slogan around that ideology, only later to determine that very little of substance gets done. And this is certainly the case where illegal immigration is concerned. Some of the candidates for the State Senate avoided the issue altogether but that's just not the type of person I am.
Illegal immigration and protecting our borders are issues that virtually everyone is concerned about in Senate District 47 and they are concerned that promises of the past that turned into broken promises of the present will be the norm in this election. I have said from the beginning that I support tough restrictions on immigration and find it deplorable that the state of Oklahoma has allowed the children of illegal aliens to receive the benefits of our children whose families are working hard - that is in-state tuition rates.
According to the Constitution, naturalization and immigration are supposed to be the responsibility of the federal government and time and time again we have seen our members of Congress fail to do that which they promised. The reasons why they have been lax are multitudinous, but since the federal government has failed, the states with the power of the 10th Amendment, can and should.
When you elect me, you will have someone in your corner, fighting for Arizona-style immigration laws and unlike others who have promised big and delivered little, I have a track record of success and experience in saying what I will do and doing what I say. You see, I built my business, my career on hard work and sweat equity, demanding nothing from taxpayers but rather have contributed through private sector enterprise. Illegal immigration is a drain on the taxpayers of Oklahoma and the last thing we need is another career politician who promises big but will deliver nothing but platitudes.
I'm in your corner - almost 80% of all Oklahomans believe that illegal immigration is a problem and frankly, the time has come for action, not platitudes.
I'm asking for your vote, for your confidence to tell the establishment once and for all "no mas." No more. I will fight for immigration reform in Oklahoma and you won't have to even cut me a paycheck to accomplish that task.
Pinch a penny, vote for Kenny
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What I'm Learning At The Door
There is very little in life more revealing and inspirational than knocking doors in Senate District 47. We covered another 345 doors over the last week and there are more than a few things that I have heard with potential constituents that I want to share with you right now.
First, as the economy still struggles to be what it was a few years ago, it is clear that Oklahomans are concerned about some of the news and in particular, what they can do to protect that which is theirs without the fear of being criminalized for exercising their 2nd amendment rights.
I am a veteran, a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment and I believe that the Heller decision wherein the Supreme Court did affirm that the right to keep and bear arms is exactly what the founding fathers intended - the right of the individual. I consider myself to be one of the more conservative, realistic candidates in this race with an unsurpassed understanding of the Constitution. You see, we are a nation of laws and those laws are predicated on the Constitution itself. I believe strongly in the right of the individual to keep and bear arms to protect their property and their families. That is why I support New Mexico style 'open carry' laws. Currently, Oklahoma is one of only 7 states with a ban on open carry.
Second, the taxpayers of Senate District 47 want their next State Senator to be someone who has a diverse background. As I have said, I am a veteran and believe that our state can do a better job of caring for those who have stood a post and protected our liberty and our freedom. I have worked in the public sector as well, so I understand the nuance and subtlety of state government. Most importantly, I have unmatched private sector experience. I understand what it means to grow a business, to make payroll and how cumbersome government regulation hinders growth. When elected, the taxpayers of Oklahoma's Senate District 47 will have the "triple threat" in me.
Lastly, government spending is out of control and the administrative salaries at many of our state agencies boggle the mind. So far, every person we have met at the door has agreed with me and my focus on reining in wasteful government spending.
I pledge to the taxpayers of my Senate District that I will not take a salary if elected Senator, but rather ask the Governor to ensure my salary goes to veterans and to improve foster care in Oklahoma. You see, I want this job to be what the founding fathers intended as a "citizen legislature." I plan to serve, create more streamlined and effective government, protect our Constitutional rights I stood a post to defend, and maintain my private sector business.
My friends, that is exactly what the taxpayers of Senate District 47 desire and deserve. Join me in this fight. Contribute to my campaign and be a part of a return to Constitutional government. www.kennygoza.us. Contribute your time, your industry and your hard-earned dollars if you feel so moved. I can assure you it will be an investment in our freedom, in our future.
Thank you.
"Pinch a penny, vote for Kenny."
Look at this Open Carry website.
First, as the economy still struggles to be what it was a few years ago, it is clear that Oklahomans are concerned about some of the news and in particular, what they can do to protect that which is theirs without the fear of being criminalized for exercising their 2nd amendment rights.
I am a veteran, a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment and I believe that the Heller decision wherein the Supreme Court did affirm that the right to keep and bear arms is exactly what the founding fathers intended - the right of the individual. I consider myself to be one of the more conservative, realistic candidates in this race with an unsurpassed understanding of the Constitution. You see, we are a nation of laws and those laws are predicated on the Constitution itself. I believe strongly in the right of the individual to keep and bear arms to protect their property and their families. That is why I support New Mexico style 'open carry' laws. Currently, Oklahoma is one of only 7 states with a ban on open carry.
Second, the taxpayers of Senate District 47 want their next State Senator to be someone who has a diverse background. As I have said, I am a veteran and believe that our state can do a better job of caring for those who have stood a post and protected our liberty and our freedom. I have worked in the public sector as well, so I understand the nuance and subtlety of state government. Most importantly, I have unmatched private sector experience. I understand what it means to grow a business, to make payroll and how cumbersome government regulation hinders growth. When elected, the taxpayers of Oklahoma's Senate District 47 will have the "triple threat" in me.
Lastly, government spending is out of control and the administrative salaries at many of our state agencies boggle the mind. So far, every person we have met at the door has agreed with me and my focus on reining in wasteful government spending.
I pledge to the taxpayers of my Senate District that I will not take a salary if elected Senator, but rather ask the Governor to ensure my salary goes to veterans and to improve foster care in Oklahoma. You see, I want this job to be what the founding fathers intended as a "citizen legislature." I plan to serve, create more streamlined and effective government, protect our Constitutional rights I stood a post to defend, and maintain my private sector business.
My friends, that is exactly what the taxpayers of Senate District 47 desire and deserve. Join me in this fight. Contribute to my campaign and be a part of a return to Constitutional government. www.kennygoza.us. Contribute your time, your industry and your hard-earned dollars if you feel so moved. I can assure you it will be an investment in our freedom, in our future.
Thank you.
"Pinch a penny, vote for Kenny."
Look at this Open Carry website.
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